INTRODUCTION-A Key Constraint is a statement that a certain minimal subset
of the fields of a relation is a unique identifier for a tuple.
TYPES OF KEY CONSTRAINTS- Various types of key constraints are-
- Candidate key
- Super key
- Primary key
- Foreign key
1. Candidate key- These are those attributes of a relation that contains the properties of uniqueness and irr-reducability.
- Uniqueness- At any time no two tuples of a relation should have the same value means no duplicate values.
- Irr-reducability- Let "k" be the set of attributes in any relation "R" contains composite key then no proper subset of "k" has the uniqueness property.
2. Super Key- These are those attributes of a relation that contains the properties of uniqueness but not necessary that it satisfies irr-reducability property.
3. Primary Key- Mixture of uniqueness and not null is known as the primary key.
Properties of Primary key-
1. Stable- It should be stable means value must not change or it should not be null throughout the life of an entity.
2. Minimal- It should be minimal means it should be composite of minimum no of fields that ensures that the occurrence are unique.
3. Definitive- It should be definitive means a value must exist for every record at the creation time.
4. Accessible-It should be accessible means any one who wants to create,read or delete a record mus be able to see the primary key values.
table <table name> (column name1 datatype (size), column name2
datatype(size) constraint (constraint name) primary key);
create table
mydoc3 ( username varchar (20) ,password
number(10) constraint
rollno_pk primary key);
4. Foreign key-Primary key of one table is the foreign key of some other table.
1. Records cannot
be inserted into a detail
table if
corresponding records in the master table do not exist.
.Records of the master
table cannot be deleted or updated if corresponding records in the
detail table actually exist.
SYNTAX- create
table <table name> (column name1 datatype (size), column name2
datatype(size) constraint (constraint name) primary key);
table <table name> (column name1 datatype (size), column name2
datatype(size) references <tablename which contain primary key < primary
key attribute>);
EG- create table
doc9 (bname varchar(20),brollno number(20) constraint vn_o primary key);
create table
doc10 (sname varchar(20),srollno number(20) references